Sunday, April 27, 2014

Maundy Thursday

When I started writing this post, I had 35 pictures to add.... so after some thought, I decided to break it down day by day..... get ready for Roberts' vacation overload!!

This year we decided to take our family vacation over Easter break and take a week off school.   We did this because Kai is in third grade this year, which means it it his first year of the state mandated test called STAAR.  We decided that instead of having our son spend two days sitting a testing room being bored out of his mind, we would take the opportunity to explore Florida.

But first.... we must remember that this is the most holiest time of the year and to celebrate this momentous event called the Last Supper we invited friends over to share in a message and take communion together as a family in Christ.

It is a special moment to see your children serving communion to people they love.  

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