Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Rock you like a Hurricane....

Kai's quote of the week: "Daddy, do you want to be a naked basketball player?"

The storm has passed, the electricity is back on, and we are starting back to work tomorrow.

But the last week and half has been fun. We weathered through the storm at our house as Ike rolled in with 90-100 mph sustained winds. We had hurricane force winds here for hours (it was crazy, scary, and awesome).

Saturday we woke up to no power and a really big back yard. We currently have a swimming pool. I'm sure they'll put up their fence soon, so it won't last.

After 8 hours with no power we decided to leave for Campbell to my grandma's. (No electrictiy make Ryan angry.... Thank you Otto von Guericke, Ben Franklin and Andre Marie Ampere) We hung out there and got to see all the family. We even went to the famous Northeast Texas Children Museum in Commerce. It was a little smaller than the one downtown in Houston, but we still had fun. Lindsay and I discovered that Kai can now spell his name (which he did inside a pyramid in the museum). Tuesday night Marla and I went and played tennis, which was a blast. I haven't played in years so the rust was obvious.

Wednesday... Sarah was born a small but healthy 4lbs 11ozs. She looks just like Ella with her full head of hair.

We bounced back to Campbell Thursday night then headed to Joey and Alex's to watch Joey dance at halftime in their homecoming game. I think Joseph was suppose to be this girl's dad but she looked older than him.

Saturday was Anthony's 1st BDay party which we went to, but by this time we were all exhausted. We decided to leave there and head back home. Kai had a lot of cake at the party and about 40 minutes into the trip he decided to give us a reenactment of a scene from the movie "The Exorcist". Everything that came out of him was blue. Blue hot dog, blue goldfish, etc. It was funny and sad, but after a pit stop, he got to ride home without a car seat. He actually rode in a car like we did growing up (laid out in the back seat).

Thanks Ike for the time we got to spent with all those people.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Riders on the Storm

Well my doctor's appointment went really well. My mom and Kai came along to see the ultrasound. We told the technician that it was my moms first ultrasound and she treated us to a 4-D picture of Andrew. It was really cool to see such details from inside the womb. We both agreed he looked just like Kai. Andrew was opening and closing his hands during the ultrasound and Kai thought he was waving to him. I think Kai finally realizes there is a real baby growing inside my belly.
We were told that Andrew is already about 4 1/2 lbs, which is a little above average for 32 weeks, so I saw that as a good sign that he might come a little early.

Ryan was suppose to have his first cross country meet of the season this Friday, but it was canceled (along with school tomorrow) due to Hurricane Ike. The reporters say that too many people wait until the last minute to prepare for these catastrophic events, and we are no exception. We had water but that was about it. We had to go to three stores today to find batteries for the flashlights which Ryan "borrowed" from school, because we only own one (and I think we only have it because it came in Kai's Lightning McQueen sleeping bag set.) We also stocked up on the necessities like cokes, potato chips, cookies, and M&Ms. I think we are ready for IKE!!!

Friday, September 5, 2008


Well we are officially back in school mode. Kai and I are adjusting well, Ryan however, has been a bit of a cranky pants. This is his first year teaching... and along with having all the normal stress of a brand new teacher he has also taken on the cross country team and is the tech support for the science department. So, he is a little tired...

Kai started Awanas with mom's church. He has been learning his bible verses and getting to spend some quality time with the grandparents. He also loves his new "Big Boy" class at school. He has learned so much in just the few short weeks he has been back; I really think he could be a genius. (just kidding... Ryan always makes fun of me for saying how smart Kai is, because every parent thinks their child is a genius, it just happens to be true in Kai's case)

I have given up all of my extra responsibilities at school (I used to be the yearbook sponsor) in preparation for Andrew's arrival. He feels like he is getting really low and I have had a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions lately... I am going to the doctor next week for my last ultrasound. I am hoping they are going to say "this baby is huge, lets move your due date up a week or two," but I seriously doubt that will happen. I will keep you posted.