Friday, September 5, 2008


Well we are officially back in school mode. Kai and I are adjusting well, Ryan however, has been a bit of a cranky pants. This is his first year teaching... and along with having all the normal stress of a brand new teacher he has also taken on the cross country team and is the tech support for the science department. So, he is a little tired...

Kai started Awanas with mom's church. He has been learning his bible verses and getting to spend some quality time with the grandparents. He also loves his new "Big Boy" class at school. He has learned so much in just the few short weeks he has been back; I really think he could be a genius. (just kidding... Ryan always makes fun of me for saying how smart Kai is, because every parent thinks their child is a genius, it just happens to be true in Kai's case)

I have given up all of my extra responsibilities at school (I used to be the yearbook sponsor) in preparation for Andrew's arrival. He feels like he is getting really low and I have had a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions lately... I am going to the doctor next week for my last ultrasound. I am hoping they are going to say "this baby is huge, lets move your due date up a week or two," but I seriously doubt that will happen. I will keep you posted.


Emily said...

Poor Ryan sounds like he's got quite a workload!!

Was Kai early and/or big?

Ryan, Lindsay, Kai, Andrew, and Malia said...

Kai was 8 lbs 6 oz, and we induced labor with him (because my doctor was going out of town for Memorial Day)