Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year Resolutions

This year Ryan and I are trying something new for our New Year resolutions   It is called "5 swings a day", which Ryan learned about from John Maxwell.  The theory behind it is when you cut down a tree, it take many, many swings to accomplish the task.  So, in your own life, if you do 5 small  things everyday-- you will eventually form a habit and get the desired results.  Here are our  five swings for the New Year.

1. Read one chapter from one of the 4 gospels everyday
2. Pray for 20 minutes everyday
3. Drink a protein shake everyday
4. Eat a raw fruit or vegetable everyday
5. record a 2 minute commentary for his video blog everyday

1. Read one chapter from one of the 4 gospels everyday
2. Pray as a family everyday
3. Eat a fruit of vegetable everyday
4. do 100 of either sit-ups, push ups, squats, lunges, or shoulder presses
5. craft for 10 minutes everyday

Wish us luck!

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