The kids were ecstatic about all the presents they received. Malia got lots of girly things and the boys spent the morning putting together Legos.
I got a very cool chalk board from my brother's girlfriend, Sarah.
Sarah joined us for Christmas this year.... she is pretty cool. We like her!!!
Another memorable moment is when Scott opened up this very disturbing velvet painting of Hulk Hogan that Jon had found by a dumpster!! Needless to say he loved it!
The kids spent the morning playing, while the adults slept, ate and tried to relaxed amongst all the chaos.
My parents got us Season passes for Sea World this year-- so we will be hitting up San Antonio a lot this summer. They also announced that they got a place down on Jamaica Beach in Galveston. We were all thrilled about this and were immediately planning out our visits.
I think it is funny that even with all the cool and fancy new things out there to buy that some of the classics are still the favorites in most families. The boys playing Operation, Malia treating her stuffed animal like a baby, and Ryan and Emma working on Madlibs together.... We don't need fancy gadgets and gizmos... just the basics and lots of time together.
Merry Christmas Everyone.
1 comment:
Oh my gosh - a VELVET Hulk Hogan painting?? That is SO weird!! haha!
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