Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Break- Act 2

My Spring Break is over.. boo hoo.  I had a great time relaxing and working in the yard.  I bought a bunch of dirt and flowers and revamped all of my flower beds and even created a new one.  I did some Spring cleaning in the house and had a garage sale on Saturday to get rid of a bunch of junk.  We made a little money-- but more importantly we got rid of a bunch of stuff.  Ryan has a strict "once it is out of the garage it stays out" policy when it comes to garage sales... so everything that did not sale went straight to the goodwill donation center... it felt good to declutter.  

I also took the opportunity this week to start making Andrew's baby food.  He is eating rice cereal now, but will start eating the good stuff in about a week.  I made him squash, lima beans, carrots and green beans.  

Friday was probably the best day of my Spring Break.  Ryan took the kids to daycare so I slept in until about 11.  Then I went to eat lunch with Ryan at his school, and then I went to get to a massage.  It was wonderful.  Then to top it off, that night I  made the best brownies ever.  I got the idea from this link  I just used a box mix and instead of toffee I used mini chocolate chips.  They were exquisite.  

I guess that is it... yardwork, garage sale, massage, and brownies... it sounds so simple, maybe that's why I loved it.  


Emily said...

I didn't know you garden. I'm always so impressed with people who know how to make plants grow. :)

Anonymous said...

It is a work in progress... I have killed about as many things as I have made grow (if not more)

Anonymous said...

Your new flower beds look great and I know your hard work will pay off. And you're composting, too!!