Friday, November 26, 2010


This year I am thankful for youthful laughter. Over the Thanksgiving holiday I have never heard so much laughter and fun being had from all the children (and a lot of the adults) in our family. Here are a few of my favorite pictures that captured these moments...

"A laugh is a smile that bursts"~Mary H. Waldrip

"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter" ~E.E. Cummings

"Laughter is an instant vacation." ~Milton Berle

"All you need in the world is love and laughter." August Wilson

"Remember, men need laughter sometimes more than food." ~Anna Fellows Johnston

"Laughter is the closest distance between two people" Victor Borge

"Everybody laughs the same in every language because laughter is a universal connection. "~Yakov Smirnoff

"A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks."~ Charles Gordy

"I've never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful."~ Author Unknown

"A smile is a curve that sets everything straight."~Phyllis Diller

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Warrior DASH!!!!!!

Okay so I got to experience my first Warrior Dash today and it was awesome. By awesome I mean, it kicked my butt.

If you wanted to see a detailed map of the obstacles and race click this link

The map doesn't do it justice because there was NOT 100 meters of this 3.2 mile race that wasn't a steep hill or slippery decent. I ran well and helped up a few people along the way.

The hardest part was the river run, which was a 100 yards of ankle deep to chest deep to ankle deep running. The other obstacles were fun and challenging. They including jumping over 6 cars, crossing planks, 15 feet of hay, nets galore, slides of mud, 40 yards of tires, and cactus fields.

The video and pictures are the very end of the run where you jumped over 2 fire pits and went under barbed wire (watch video). After you finish you get a medal, a banana, a beer, and a South American style riot hose down.
I ran in the vibrams, but there is a charity that people donate there shoes to after the race. The shoes get cleaned up and shipped over seas to kids without access or money for shoes.

We (Lindsay and I) are doing another Warrior Dash in Conroe in March. Hopefully you are motivated to look into it and join us.

By the way, we have a warrior in training......

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Skillet and Toby Mac

Last night Ryan and I went to the Toby Mac/ Skillet concert, accompanied by some of the finest youth around-- and a few brave parents.

Ryan thought it would be wise to get them all hopped up on Monster Energy drinks before the show and craziness soon ensued.

During intermission cotton candy replenished the sugar high-- and no they could not just eat it, they had to play with it too. And yes, Ryan did eat the cotton candy after it came out of his nose and ears!!

After the show, they somehow still had energy, and felt the need to show off all of their break dancing moves outside the Berry Center.

All the late night dancing paid off though, because we hung around long enough for ShonLock to walk out and sign some autographs for the guys!!

It was an awesome night and I hoped that everyone had a memorable time!! We love those kids!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Visit from the Tooth Fairy

Kai lost his first tooth!!! It has been super wiggly for a while, but yesterday, while eating a banana, it finally gave up the fight. Kai was so happy!!!

Here are the before and after photos.

Last night, before bed, Kai and I talked about the tooth fairy. He wished that she would bring him a Nintendo DS for his tooth, or maybe a 100 bucks. She was not quite that generous, but he was still super excited with the $1 that he found under his pillow this morning.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Happy Birthday to you, cha, cha, cha!

Andrew is two!!

Andrew turned two on November 5, however we were unable to celebrate last weekend due to Kai getting Strep throat. So we postponed the festivities to this weekend and had all of our family and friends over for a little party.

Andrew was a professional candle blower outer and he got just the presents he asked for: construction trucks and puzzles.

Andrew would like to thank all of his friends and family for coming over and making his birthday so special!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

My little nerds

The cold weather has turned my usually active, rough and tumble boys into nerds!!!

This is how we spent the afternoon today.

Kai is working with Tangrams.

Andrew is working a 35 piece puzzle.

While I am on the subject.... Kai got his first report card this past week and made all E's in his core subjects. He has learned to recognize all of his sight word for the first 9 weeks and can spell 9 of the 14 correctly!! What a smartie!!

Andrew is busy at Montessori learning his colors and can count to 12, with a little prompting. He loves singing songs and talking about construction vehicles.

I love my nerdy little boys!