Wednesday, August 27, 2014


 We usually do not do much for the adult birthday's in our family....we go out to eat or go bowling as a family....mine is usually on a tail end of a summer vacation so it is sometime spend sitting in a car.

But this year, Ryan and I are also celebrating our 10 year anniversary, so we combined my birthday and our anniversary for a night out on the town.

We had dinner at a cool little taco place down town, followed by cheesecake and wine at a swanky italian restaurant.

Then we went and saw C.L Lewis's,The Great Divorce at the Wortham Center.

After the play, we met my brother at a bar and had a few drinks with him.  
(FYI- the below picture is a pre drinking picture)

We did not get home until 1:00 am, which is pretty late for this 34 year old!!

It was a great birthday and a great anniversary celebration.

I can not wait to see what the next ten years bring.

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