Wednesday, August 27, 2014


 We usually do not do much for the adult birthday's in our family....we go out to eat or go bowling as a family....mine is usually on a tail end of a summer vacation so it is sometime spend sitting in a car.

But this year, Ryan and I are also celebrating our 10 year anniversary, so we combined my birthday and our anniversary for a night out on the town.

We had dinner at a cool little taco place down town, followed by cheesecake and wine at a swanky italian restaurant.

Then we went and saw C.L Lewis's,The Great Divorce at the Wortham Center.

After the play, we met my brother at a bar and had a few drinks with him.  
(FYI- the below picture is a pre drinking picture)

We did not get home until 1:00 am, which is pretty late for this 34 year old!!

It was a great birthday and a great anniversary celebration.

I can not wait to see what the next ten years bring.

mini vacation to Corpus Christi

Ryan had to go to Corpus Christi for work and we decided to tag along for an end of summer vacation.

We visited the USS Lexington.

We hung out on the beach.

And we learned how to paddle board.

I read an article the other day about how everyone should get to the beach at least once a year.  It talked about it's healing and calming nature and how it helps restore people.

I totally buy into that.  We love the beach.  We are beach people.