We went to many parties this year, attended a wonderful Christmas production at Second Baptist Church, and spent precious time with family.
Here we are with Ryan's family--yes it was an ugly sweater party--thus the turtleneck/sweater combo-- and yes, Ryan is wearing a woman's sweater.

Here is Kai being a Shepard in our church's Christmas pageant.

And here he is serving communion on Christmas Eve--how cool is that.

Here is Malia checking out the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve at Mimi and Paw-Paw's house.

And the boys waiting at the top of the stairs on Christmas morning. (Aren't they the sweetest)

Here is everyone opening their presents.

Ryan and I both got a new pair of Toms. Thanks Mom!

And of course the aftermath.....

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!
I think I will try to go hibernate for a few days now.
You take really cool pictures! Especially that one of Malia and the tree! And your Toms are cute.
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