Here is Andrew Scott celebrating his Uncle Scott's 30th birthday party at Olive Garden!!
We are now 11 days into the life of Andrew. My mom has been amazing helping us out. She came over everyday last week to cook, clean and just be there to help out. Kai got strep throat so he was home with us for a couple of days, so having my mom there really saved the day.
Kai has not quite adjusted to life with a brother... I wish I could say he took to him instantly as shown in this picture ( completely staged by me... neither one had any idea what was going on)
But instead it is more like this...
Don't get me wrong. Kai loves his brother. He is concerned when he cries and wants to know where he is at all times, but he doesn't want to touch him and is often upset by how much time Andrew takes away from his mom/Kai time. I told him he has to share him mommy with Andrew and that didn't go over to well.
Other than that Andrew is adjusting well to life outside the womb. He is eating good and sleeping very good (granted he is sleeping in the bed cuddled up next to me). I plan on continually working on getting this child into the crib. This is the forth baby our crib has seen and has yet to have a baby regularly sleep in it. Yesterday I was successful in getting him to take a 3 hour nap in his crib. I took a picture for documentation purposes to prove to myself that sleeping in the crib is possible. Right now he is sound asleep in the middle of my king size bed.
I love it that you staged that picture. The one of Andrew screaming with Kai next to him is funny!
now that second one was not staged... that is the real deal.
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