We have been rocking the cheap and free activiteis Houston has to offer this summer...the past two weeks the kids and I have participated in the following activites:
VBS-- one thing I love about Baptist churches is that they always offer VBS for free. We have some friends that attend Spring Baptist church and they really have a great children's program. Kai and Andrew had a great week learning about God and helped raise over 1000 dollars for at risk kids to go to summer camp.
Free Bowling- I am always a skeptic of these "free" programs, but I checked out
Kids bowl free and it actually worked. The kids had a blast bowling two games for just the cost of shoes.
Spring Creek Greenway- this is also a cool place to go for free activities for the kids. You can hike or you can attend art activities, story time in the wood, go fishing, or attend kid friendly lectures on frogs and worms and all sorts of other fun stuff.
Public Library- we obviously checked out books and attend story times but our library has all these awesome programs and classes like:
Art days at the library- this week the kids made and earth, sun and moon system that spins around.
Kid performance at the library-- this week we saw Peter Pan, but in coming weeks we will see Frozen, The Lion King and Suessical.
Galveston- we went down to my parents place for the weekend. The seaweed is pretty bad this year, but that did not stop us from having fun. My kids just used the seaweed as a platform to jump off.