Saturday, September 26, 2009

Getting back to normal

Blogging has not been very high on my list of priorities lately. School is now in full swing and we are finally getting into a schedule that flows. It has been a rough start to the year, however. A stomach bug knocked out our entire family the very first week of school. Then about two weeks later, Ryan got the flu, and was out of it for about another week. Now Andrew and I both have sinus infections....

In other news, school is going good for both Ryan and me. I love working at the same school as him and I am enjoying getting to know all of my colleagues. The students are very sweet, and I think it is going to be a great year. Ryan is in the middle of cross country season and I am about to get trained to be a member of the peer mediation team. So, we are both very involved on campus, and the hours are longer then I had last year, but I think it will all be worth it.

Kai is back in Awana's at Second Baptist and he is loving it, especially because it gives him an opportunity to see his grandparents and his cousins every week. He is also about to start karate at his school, so look out Pawpaw.. Kai will be learning some new moves!!

Andrew is now 10 moths old!!! He is standing up without support and loves trying to walk with the aide of his push toys. I don't think it will be very long now until he is running around the house with Kai. He is sleeping in his own crib, which is a huge milestone in this Roberts' family and he is eating everything in sight. Needless to say, he is doing great!