Sunday, January 18, 2009

Best buds

Remember this picture.  It was taken a few weeks after Andrew was born...

Neither one was very happy.

Well, look at my boys now. 


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Say Cheese!!

Manly Men

Two weeks ago we finally got around to rebuilting the fence blown down from Hurricane Ike.  We had a lot of help and we couldn't have done it without our wonderful family and friends.  

Kai helped out by marking the wood.  He followed his daddy around the backyard  "helping" for about an hour before getting bored and playing in his sandbox.

Doug and Ryan had fun with Kevin's heavy duty nail gun and saw!!

Kevin was the foreman of this motley crew.


Dad came over to offer his two cents about the project.

Uncle Scott helped out in more ways than one.

Meanwhile in the house Andrew and I tried out his new bumbo.  How cute is he!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Years Eve

New Years Eve at the parents house.

Kai hiding under the covers for the entire firework show.  He has an irrational fear of fireworks.

The kids getting silly on Welches Sparking grape juice. Kai quote- "it tickles my lips"

My New Years Resolutions-- to fix my hair at least once a week, spend less money on nonsense, and Get Andrew into his crib.